Next Week is ... Publication Week!

My debut novel, The Welsh Lord's Convenient Bride, is out next week - 24th May in the USA and 26th May in the UK!  To say I'm thrilled would not even come close to describing a dream come true. 

Having begun writing in 2007, and writing almost every day since, I had started to believe it would never happen. Giving up was never an option but, nevertheless, the doubts and disheartening thoughts and feelings were starting to creep in...

However, switching my focus from contemporary to historical romance in summer 2020 was like a magic door opening and I will be forever grateful to my acquiring editor, the fabulous Linda Fildew, for suggesting historicals might be the way to go. 

I loved writing this book - and am loving writing my second novel, An Alliance with his Enemy Princess, which is due out in January 2023. I hope you love reading both of them!


Read my Call Story here!



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