Last Week...was Publication Week!

And what a week it was! On Tuesday 24th May, my debut for Harlequin Mills & Boon Historical - The Welsh Lord's Convenient Bride - came out in the USA and Canada, and on Thursday 26th May, it came out in the UK, in e-book. Not only was it so exciting to see this book published after fifteen years of writing without success, but I got so many lovely congratulations and good wishes on social media it was both awesome and humbling. So I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you - to Harlequin Mills & Boon for signing me, to the wonderful well-wishers and reviewers, to the writing friends that have supported me on my long journey towards publication, and - last but certainly not least - to those reading or planning to read my debut novel 💖 But in writing, like everything else, there is never time to rest on one's laurels! The second book in my contract - An Alliance with his Enemy Princess - has just gone in to the editors, and is due out in...