A variety of book covers

One of the nicest and most exciting things about being a writer who is published with a traditional publisher - in my case Harlequin Mills & Boon - is the thrill of seeing what sort of cover the design team create for each book.  

I have loved all my covers to date, from my debut The Welsh Lord's Convenient Bride in May 2022, to my latest book, The Warrior's Reluctant Wife, out this month - today, 16th August, in Australia, 22nd in USA and 31st in the UK. 

There are very subtle differences between the covers for each of these regions, and I've made a little montage below to show what they are.  Which do you like best?



I think I just lean towards the UK cover but I'm delighted with them all.  These are home market covers, ie published in the English language, but as my books reach markets further afield and go into translation, sometimes a totally different cover appears, like the one below for the Italian edition of The Welsh Lord's Convenient Bride.  



My second book, An Alliance with his Enemy Princess, which was published in January this year, is coming out in Italy in October as Alleanza Con La Nemica, and needless to say I am delighted with this sumptuous Italian cover!



My Italian books are available from Harmony




  1. Lissa! I finished reading Rhianon and Peredur's story last night and adored it. The emotions between them were so tangible, and I loved the sense of isolation and beauty that you created. I particularly liked how you used the morloi as a touchstone for Rhianon's feelings for her husband and the castle and how they changed.

    I also loved Edwin, what a wonderful and thoughtful secondary character. One of the things I enjoy about your books is that you don't shy away from difficult relationships, your characters tackle them and find a way through to a forgiving and brighter future.

    Can we hope for a book telling Llywelyn's story, perhaps...?

    Diolch yn fawr for another beautiful read!

    1. Leslie, you are a mind reader! I'm just finishing Llywelyn's - and Cristin's - story now, and it's due out next June. I knew his story had to be told when Rhianon is watching the war band ride out, and he's not going with them, not because he was too young, but because his father through him a coward. He came alive at that moment, demanding to be heard! Edwin also pops up, briefly, in this next book - which is called The Warrior's Forbidden Maiden - as does Peredur and Rhianon, and others, so watch this space!! And thank you so much for your kind words about this story, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Your comments mean such a lot. Diolch o galon Xx


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