Look at this beauty!

Usually I can just choose between my UK and US book covers, with one version I like just that little bit more than the other. This time, no chance!  This is the cover of my new book, The Warrior's Reluctant Wife, due out in mid-August, and I think it is utterly beautiful  It depicts the wedding night of my two characters, Peredur and Rhianon, and the Harlequin Design Team have got it to a tee!  

My hero is Welsh-Flemish so I didn't want him too blond but just enough to stand out among his fellows.  Isn't he commandingly handsome?  And my heroine, strong willed and quick witted, as well as vulnerable, is perfectly represented here.  And that dress! And that vaulted ceiling and gothic window, and the atmospheric candlelight...

As you can tell, I was totally swept off my feet when I saw this.  I hope you like it too!

 An arranged marriage

 On sale in August at Amazon UK and Amazon US and on the Mills and Boon and Harlequin websites.


  1. That is a gorgeous cover, and I love the name Peredur! Pre-ordered (of course!), so I'm really looking forward to reading this, Lissa.

    1. Thank you, Leslie! Isn't it stunning? My hero's name was the starting point for the whole story, as it happens, and is a name I've always loved too. Thank you so much for pre-ordering the book, I hope you enjoy it. Cofion gorau, Lissa.


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