An Alliance with his Enemy Princess

I can't quite believe my second historical romance for Harlequin Mills & Boon is out tomorrow! It will be published on Thursday 22nd December, as an e-book in the UK, and the following week in the US and Canada, Tuesday 27th December, in e-book and in paperback. 



Some lovely early reviews are coming in already - you can read them on Goodreads - and, just to whet the appetite at bit, here are some story facts and posers:

  • Gwennan is sworn to avenge her dead husband and to love no other man but he.  
  • Rolant has been fooled by a woman before, a cruel lesson in unrequited love that had tragic consequences.
  • Since Rolant has come to take possession of Gwennan's home, in the name of his Norman overlord, how can they ever be anything but enemies?
  • Whose claim will King William Rufus uphold - that of a dispossessed but proud Welsh princess or that of the mighty Earl Robert of Rhuddlan?
  • And finally, what does Gwennan Fwyn mean? And will Rolant ever find out!
So, if you fancy finding out the answers to those questions, and would like to enjoy a high stakes, medieval enemies to lovers story over Christmas, An Alliance with his Enemy Princess is available via the links below. 
Happy reading and a very merry Christmas! 


  1. Just finished reading and oh, my heart! What a poignant and hopeful story. You did a wonderful job depicting Gwennan's turmoil and exploring deeper questions relating to identity and family. It's so great to see a romance tackling historical issues such as the Norman invasion of Cymru and how people dealt with the reality. Rolant is lovely, patient and self-aware. They're a fantastic couple, and I loved Nest and Ywain seizing the chance at happiness too. Diolch yn fawr am llyfr dda iawn - and I'm so pleased you have a third book coming next summer!

    1. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Leslie! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The story felt very different to my first book, as the third feels very different to the second, since the characters themselves tell me what and how to write! I'm proud to be able to set my books in Wales and it's pleasing that readers are connecting on so many levels, historically and culturally, as well as emotionally. Thank you again for buying and reading it, and I hope you enjoy the summer one too - which is set, typically, in winter!! In the meantime, Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda xx


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