New book coming soon!

My next book for Harlequin Historical ~ Mills & Boon Historical - An Alliance with his Enemy Princess - is an enemies to lovers story set in Wales in 1091, a few decades after the Norman Conquest.  It's set close to home too, as was my debut, The Welsh Lord's Convenient Bride, but this time it's almost on the doorstep, in the lovely and remote Dysynni Valley just over the mountain!



The cover design team at Harlequin have created a stunningly beautiful cover, which really conveys the emotions of my characters Gwennan and Rolant in the scene that changes everything for them - as well a capturing my hero's gorgeous green eyes. It is so exciting to share the cover with readers on my social media platforms and website this weekend. 



And this week too, just to put the icing on the cake, my author copies arrived! If I continue to be fortunate enough to write historical romance for the next decade, or even more, I don't think I'll ever lose the thrill of seeing the postman coming to the door, that distinctive Harlequin box tucked under his arm, then the excitement of opening it, and holding the book in my hands... 

There are so many wonderful facets that go with the job of author 😊

An Alliance with his Enemy Princess is a January 2023 release, on sale in December, just in time for Christmas. In the meantime, you can read an extract on my website. 

A royal decree that will change their lives…

Norman knight Rolant Guyarde has come to conquer a Welsh fortress. But when its mistress takes him hostage instead, he discovers she’s the sword-wielding “warrior” he fought en route!  Despite their being enemies, Rolant finds himself intrigued by the brave and beautiful Princess Gwennan.  When they are forced into an uneasy alliance, he helps her petition King William Rufus for her parents’ release from prison. But in exchange for their freedom, the King demands a price neither Rolant nor Gwennan expect!

A high-stakes, Medieval enemies to lovers story!



  1. Lissa, I am so looking forward to your new book! A fantastic cover for what I'm sure will be a great read.

    1. Thank you, Leslie! Yes, I am so pleased with that gorgeous cover, it really conveys my characters in that particular, and pivotal, scene. Hope you enjoy the book!


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