Time flies when you're writing!

I can't believe it's already been two months since my debut novel for Harlequin Mills & Boon Historical was published.  It seemed so long in coming but since the book was accepted back last autumn, life - on the writing side anyway - seems to have speeded up dramatically.   

I recently submitted my second book - An Alliance with his Enemy Princess - which is now in production and due for release in December - just in time for Christmas. The  cover is  yet to be revealed but here's a taster of the story!  


 A royal decree that will change their lives…


Now, I'm currently four chapters in to my third novel, which - like my debut - is a marriage of convenience story, set in Wales in 1157. It's also set very close to where I live in the beautiful Dyfi Valley and I'm finding it so interesting imagining what the locality would have been like in the mid-12th century. There's a nice eerie element to the setting too that I'm really enjoying working into the story.

On the domestic side, I recently finished a work contract and went straight onto two others, both part time so as to fit in around my writing schedule. I've also been painting my flat during the weekends and now have a bright yellow study in which to work. Typically, though, I still write at my breakfast bar...



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