Nearing the end . . .

It's been a while since I blogged here but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy writing! I have, in fact, though it's been rather a longer and slower process than normal, probably due to the lockdown, which has affected us all to greater or lesser degrees over the last year. Can you believe it is over a year since Covid-19 first hit the world?

Like most people, I've been working from home over the last twelve months, which should be, of course, most conducive to writing.  Like many, I suspect, there have been days, and even weeks, when it's been the opposite, with lethargy hovering on the horizon more often than not.  Even so, I've been doing something for my writing every day (an invaluable piece of advice I read on some writer's blog many moons ago and wish I could remember whose!) and I am almost at the end of the first draft of my work in progress.

I say 'first draft' though really it's a case of writing a few chapters then going back and editing before moving on. But I aim to complete this draft by the end of March, edit through April, then send off to the publishers. And then cross my fingers . . .

It hasn't been all lethargy and writing spurts, however. I've been doing a lot of reading too during lock-down and have discovered several new authors whose books I've enjoyed very much. One of these is Julia Ibbotson, whose unusual and original time-slip novels are absolutely impossible to put down. I've just finished the first in what is to be a trilogy, A Shape in the Air, which moves between the present and the 5th century, a time period I know little about but now would like to know a lot more, thanks to Julia's evocative, enthralling and thoroughly-researched novel. 

How have you been surviving in lock-down?



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