Soon to be published!

I have wanted to write the above words for more years than I can remember! Well, I can remember, actually - it's fifteen exactly, almost to the month, since I began writing romantic fiction. Ten rejections later but with a lot of encouragement and invaluable feedback along the way, umpteen writing retreats and conferences, and the unfailing support of my fabulous writer friends, I'm so thrilled to announce that my first historical novel - set in 13th century Wales - will be published by Harlequin Mills and Boon in 2022! This is a book I began back in 2013 but never finished then as I was focusing on contemporary romance. However, when Linda Fildew, senior editor at HMB, asked me during an RNA 1-1 a couple of years ago if I'd ever thought of writing an historical romance, I got the manuscript back out, started revising it and everything suddenly clicked into place. The rest, as they say, is . . . history! My novel The Welsh Lord's Convenient Bride will be coming out ...