A non-writing weekend away

Last weekend I spent a wonderful few days with some writing friends in Shropshire in an old Rectory near Burford House and Gardens. Even though most of us didn't actually do any writing, there was much discussion about current trends and sharing of experiences and, as always, just to be in the company of fellow writers was an infusion of much needed energy, creative and otherwise.

The location was lovely. Shropshire is one of my favourite counties and Burford a hitherto undiscovered area for me.  Although just off the busy A49, the house we were staying in and the surrounding area was unbelievably pretty and tranquil. Right opposite us was Burford House and Gardens, which I discovered was a real haven for lovers of history, plants and nature.  

The Georgian house itself serves a variety of purposes now - from gifts for the home to a beauty parlour to a wedding venue.  Attached is a nursery and cafe and the stunning gardens behind the house, which ask for a donation to visit, are really what a country house garden should be - eclectic yet very English, welcoming and relaxing, bursting with wildlife, and with some exotic surprises, like this vibrant Judas Tree.  

So even though I didn't do any writing, I had a very restful weekend, with good friends and conversations that at least got me thinking about writing, whether that was while exploring the gorgeous Rectory grounds or simply sitting with a coffee in the lovely conservatory and soaking up the sun and the blissful atmosphere of being in a place out of time for a while.


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