Out and about yet again!

XH558   (c) NAC
June is turning out to be a busy month - a new job, a writing deadline and lots of interesting things going on.  This weekend I went to the Welshpool Air Show and, as usual, it was a fabulous day.  Just small enough to feel intimate but big enough to feel there's really something going on, and the day just flew (how could I resist that pun!) The weather held, the air displays were breath-taking and the skill and enthusiasm of the pilots, both civil and military, was justly appreciated by the 10,000 or so crowd. 

The amazing aircraft  included the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, with Spitfire, Hurricane and Dakota, the Eurofighter Typhoon (my ears are still buzzing) and - the highlight of course - the Avro Vulcan XH558, in what is probably her last flying year :(  Awesome is such an overused word but seeing this graceful and iconic aeroplane overhead was truly awesome . . . and then some!

Then today, as part of the Gregynog Festival, I went to visit Plas Llandinam, former home of industrialist David Davies and now a country house hotel.  It is set in beautiful surroundings, between Newtown and Llanidloes and even though it's just off the main road, you forget all about the outside world when you turn into the tree-lined driveway and go up the hill to the house.

It's not a huge nor an ostentatious house, but rather grand with a quiet and unassuming dignity, and far reaching views over the Welsh hills. It has a small museum too, telling the history of the family, and the personal articles dotted all around made me feel that not only was I inside a family home, but that they were all still there!

Price of the visit also included afternoon tea on the lawn which, surrounded by stunning gardens, was serenity itself.

Back to reality now and gearing up for an early start on the book tomorrow morning.  Five thousand words away from the HEA, I plan to finish it well before the RNA  conference in July, held this year in London, and looking forward to getting an editor's critique in the one-to-one sessions on what has been a difficult book. But no pain, no gain, as they say . . . !   


  1. Hi Melissa.
    "...with a quiet and unassuming dignity" - what a lovely description. The place looks gorgeous and that afternoon tea might have been satisfying but not as satisfying as 'The End'. Good luck with the last 5000 words, though you don't need it. I'm sure the editors will love it.

  2. Hi Sarah, thanks for your lovely comment and good luck wishes. I hope your revisions are going well and looking forward to catching up at the conference next month! xx


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