Fishguard and Friendship

Fishguard Bay Hotel (c) Writers' Holiday

A couple of weekends ago, I went on the Advanced Romance Writers' course at the Fishguard Bay Hotel, run by the lovely Anne and Gerry Hobbs of  Writers' Holiday.  This was my fourth year of attending and it really keeps getting better every time, as I remarked to the course tutor, Kate Walker.  The group, a mix of old and new members,  was incredibly dynamic and this was especially true of the critique session. We discussed each others work in an intelligent and constructive way and it was brilliant to see a lot of very good writing had been done over the past year. As always, I got a huge amount out of this fabulous course and I'm sure everyone else who attended did too. And, as always, I've already booked my place for next year :)
A few days after getting back from Fishguard, I met up with another writing friend who couldn't make the course this year, Sarah Snowdon.  We had a lovely lunch in Porthmadog, which is about halfway between our respective homes, and two hours of talking 'shop' simply flew by.  Sarah's just completed her third book and, like me, is awaiting feedback on a full submission to Mills and Boon Modern.  Needless to say, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us both!

Friendship among writers is such a vital and reinforcing part of an occupation that of necessity is a very solo one most of the time,  especially if one lives in rural bliss!  So for me, getting together with fellow writers, either on courses or for the occasional coffee, is a blessing, and the support and generosity of the friends I've made over the last few years is just one more wonderful reason to be a Romance Writer!!


  1. Hi Melissa. Had such a good time in Porthmadog. Two hours went by far too fast. Lovely to see you and can't wait to meet up again. Your generosity and friendship are true treasures.

  2. Thank you and likewise, Sarah :)
    Happy St. David's Day xx


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