The importance of a synopsis

Like most writers, I hate writing synopses. I find them hard and it's even harder to keep them down to a page of A4 while getting everything that is necessary in. However, having recently reached the end of my WIP, I discovered the importance of a synopsis for keeping a writer on track. This is a book I've been writing a while - a lot longer than I would normally take over a book, in fact, due in no small part to the disruption and uncertainty of the Covid-19 lockdowns. But, finally, it was finished and I was breathing that wonderful and long-awaited sigh of relief at the prospect of sending it off to the editors when I realised the ending was all wrong! Totally wrong!! As I'd worked through the book,the story changed a little, as often happens. I'd moved away from the original synopsis slightly, and I was aware of the fact. But it wasn't until I'd finished the book that I realised the original ending, as per the synopsis, was actually the right one. So las...