Author Copies!

For years I've dreamed of the moment when these would arrive - well, every aspiring author does, don't they? But when it actually happened, it was beyond my dreams, opening the box so so carefully, seeing all those lovely glossy covers inside, my gorgeous characters looking up at me, taking the first one out, gazing down at it with loving eyes .... Needless to say, there are copies on my bookshelf - on the shelf that's been prepared and waiting for more years than I care to remember - a copy in my study - another in my bedroom, you get the picture! I'm sure that, if I ever get to the milestones of five books published, ten, twenty, whatever, I'll be slightly less starry eyed - but hopefully not too much! Because it really is one among many first and special moments for a new author, so I thought I'd share it with you here, along with the copies themselves. I know I'm partial - but isn't that cover beautiful? Easter definitely came early this year f...