Christmas Reading

Christmas this year is going to be very strange after the events of 2020 and Covid-19. Last December seems a lot longer than just a year ago and the way of life under the pandemic has almost become normal now. I never really do very much over Christmas, anyway, apart from take some time off work, have a rest from routine, and catch up on things I don't have time to do at other times of the year. But one of my favourite indulgences over the festive period is reading and this year is no exception. One of the books on my reading list is The Turning Tides by Jane Fenwick , the second in her trilogy of seafaring sagas set on the north east coast of England. I got to know Jane and her work when I created a website for her a couple of years ago and since then her books have become a must on my shelves, both for their engrossing story lines that really draw you in and also for her vivid and evocative sense of time and place. I'm also revisiting some old and well-w...