Spring in Ceredigion . . .

. . . or the calm before Storm Hannah hits! It's been a while since I've posted, due mainly to the upheaval of a house move and getting settled into my new place. It took a while! Interestingly, setting up my study began the process, even though most of my stuff was still in boxes - some of it still is! - and I was sleeping on my futon in my living room while waiting for my bedroom curtains to arrive. Needless to say, not much writing was getting done; in fact, I took the momentous decision last week to take the rest of the year 'off.' I put 'off' in inverted commas because I'm still awaiting feedback on my partial submission to Harlequin Mills and Boon back in January, and I aim to submit my timeslip to the RNA's New Writers' Scheme and, of course, go to the annual conference in July. So the actual writing may be on hold at the moment but my characters are milling around in the back of my mind nevertheless. And never more so than when...