Old year, new home

Well, I'm on the move once more. One of the beauties and the banes of renting instead of owning a home is that moving is a regular occurrence, whether it be voluntary or forced. My current move is a bit of both, with my present flat going on the market early next year and my present job requiring me to live a little bit closer to my workplace. Therefore, Christmas and New Year this year will be spent packing, cleaning,saying goodbyes and moving. I've got three weeks off from work and so have been able to do things bit by bit instead of all in one go. Now, on the eve of Christmas Eve, my flat is looking rather bare, with boxes of all shapes and sizes lining the walls and the windows devoid of curtains. That said, the Christmas tree is up in the corner and there are mince pies in the cupboard and some Prosecco to see in the New Year. And the weather may not be exactly festive, but I'm looking forward to getting out and doing some walking over the holidays. I'...