A different sort of writing

While I'm still aiming my work at Harlequin Mills and Boon, and have some revisions pending on my current WIP, I've also been working on a story in a new genre, a time-slip. A romance is still at the core of this story but there is a bigger canvas to paint on, so there is also an historical mystery and an element of crime in my book. To get some guidance in how to write a crime scene, I went on a writing course this last weekend at Lilleshall Hall. The course was entitled Getting away with Murder' and was run by multi-published author Stephen Wade. As it turned out, none of the people booked onto this course was actually writing a crime novel, but books and short stories that had a crime or the potential for one. But that didn't matter; Stephen adapted his programme accordingly and everyone, including me, got such a lot of information and inspiration, and a clearer idea of how to proceed. Focussing on character, plot, settings and sce...