Reading outside the Lines

Do you - like me - read primarily within the genre you want to write? Harlequin Mills and Boon publish several diverse lines, from historical to suspense, medical to nocturnal. Aiming at the line that most interests me - Presents or Modern - I tend to read mostly within that line too, enjoying books that were published several years ago, sometimes decades ago, and also keeping up with current trends and new authors. I was interested recently to see that Harlequin are running a new Blitz in February, this time on Romance ( ) and it got me thinking of the books I've read outside of my chosen line and what made me place them on my book shelves, alongside the numerous Moderns. Liz Fielding is an author who has published over sixty books in the traditional and contemporary lines but her writing somehow refuses to be typecast. She brings a freshness and humour to her work and has been doing so ever since her first book was published...