A new beginning . . .

To a new book, that is. Having submitted a full manuscript to Harlequin Mills and Boon recently, I'm hoping they'll like it enough to ask for revisions. In the meantime, however, I'm in the wonderful position of being able to begin a new story with no immediate pressure of a deadline - at least not yet! And, while I never begin a book without the intention of eventual submission, I'm enjoying letting this one slowly grow. I'm definitely a half-plotter and half-pantser type of writer and I always start with a character sheet and plot synopsis, though inevitably these are never set in stone. For a writer, characters are real and, as human beings, they change and develop as the story progresses, reacting to and growing out of the emotional situations they are forced to confront, while remaining true to the people they are. Every new book is an adventure and a journey of exploration for a writer, as much as for the characters. Keeping the emotional intensity...